Monday, September 15, 2014

Scavenger Hunts, Disney Shows, and Homework- OH MY!

     Have you ever given a doughnut to a police officer? Started a spontaneous aerobics class in a public park? Gone to a Disney Princess show with a group of college girls? Created an annotated bibliography for an exegetical paper for hermeneutics? Neither had I, until this weekend :)
     This is not going to be a long post, but I thought I'd share a little about what's been going on these past few days in Chicago.
     Saturday: I went on a city-wide photo/video scavenger hunt with some peeps from my floor and our brother floor. Hence the first two questions in my first paragraph. Here are a few other items on the list- "Play ring around the rosy around the bean," "Go into Chick-fil-a and ask for a hamburger," and "Perform air band concert in front of Hard Rock Cafe." Needless to say, it was a totally normal evening (or not!).
     Sunday: The day started by visiting a new church (pray for me during the church-hunting phase of being here). I enjoyed it, but don't know yet if it will be my "home" church. Then I came back to campus and cooked! I have missed cooking so much! Oh, I need to share this story really quickly. About a week ago, I went to the campus post office and there was a really big heavy package. I opened it up, and it was all sorts of cooking stuff! Jars of homemade soup starters, mix for cake-in-a-mug, cream cheese frosting, cooking spray, potatoes, and more! Thanks Mom and Dad for such a thoughtful gift :) THEN. Disney on Ice. Need I say more? It was so much fun! I'll try to have some pictures soon...
     Today: Basically just school. But that's not a bad thing! I am loving learning about church history, methods of evangelism, how to give a speech, and how to study the Bible. I'm just glad that I've had lots of opportunities to balance the rather intense schoolwork with spontaneous fun stuff!
     Anyway.... That's what's been going on lately. Next on the list? Sleep :) Zzzzzz.....



  1. AHHHH your weekend sounds so exciting, Amber!!! How fun... :D Praying for you in your church-search, that you can find an awesome one. :)

  2. I too am praying for the Lord to lead to the perfect church for you, since there are no perfect churches! :) A great match is such a blessing! Prayers....And so happy you enjoyed your hugs from home in a package! Sending another, but very different package, in a couple days. Keep studying hard and keep having fun, relaxing times. I love you!
