Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I'm Back! And Spring Photography :)

No, I haven't been gone, at least not for as long as it would appear from the date of my last blog post! I'm back on blogger now, though :) We'll see how faithfully I write on here this time...

For now, I'm just going to post some photos of SPRING on Brayton Mtn.!


  1. Amber, I love, love, love your pictures. All these are from our yard, except I'm not sure about the one at the bottom..? So sorry the cold snap of weather took your beautiful purple flower. I would like to buy you another one.:) I was doing so well and was so vivid! An especially cool spring we have had! I go feed fish...they are so cute! Thanks for "coming back". I love you, dear daughter. Mom

  2. LOL! IT...not I. How embarrassing is that!?
    By the way, I am ready for another post now..:)

  3. LOL! Yep, I'm going to post again soon...just haven't decided what about yet :) And the last picture was taken beside our driveway.
